Children of the Promise

Caring for orphaned children in Haiti

Children of the Promise

Creative & Production

In Haiti, 50% of children under 5 are malnourished. Children of the Promise is an organization that is devoted to caring for abandoned or malnourished children in Haiti.

Over the years, COTP has added several programs in order to extend their missions efforts in the local community. Each of these programs help carry out their primary mission of caring for at risk babies and families in Haiti. As they live and work in Haiti, they feel that they cannot limit their work to treating the symptoms of the problems, but also must be a part of the effort to improve life and conditions for all Haitians. Each of these programs is an attempt to address the some of the root problems that lead to the extreme cases that are common in Haiti.

Branded Documentary

Julien’s Story.

One story of a young man looking to dream big. 

Branded Documentary

Nanny Joselin

This nanny travels two hours to get to work at COTP.  

Branded Documentary

Keeping the Bees 

What do bees and COTP have in common?

Program Overview

Prenatal Program 

This is an overview video of the prenatal program that COTP offers to new mothers in Haiti.

Social Video

Recovery Timelapse 

We helped COTP develop this timelapse of a baby’s recovery period after being admitted into their program. 


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